A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that is not a product of two smaller natural numbers.
Euclid proved the infinity of primes by contradiction.
- Assume there are a finite number, n , of primes , the largest being \(p_n\);
- Consider the number that is the product of these, plus one: \(N = \prod\limits_{i = 1}^n {{p_i}} + 1\)
- By construction, \(N\) is not divisible by any of the \(p_i\).
- Hence it is either prime itself, or divisible by another prime greater than \(p_n\), contradicting the assumption.
Euclid’s proof is the easiest to understand, especially if you’re not well-versed in mathematics, but now I am going to introduce another proof of the infinitude of primes, which is shorter and I also find it to be the most appealing, at least in my eyes.
In mathematics, the prime-counting function is the function counting the number of prime numbers less than or equal to some real number \(x\). E.g. for \(x=10.124\), we have that 4 number of prime number: 2, 3, 5, 7.
Let \(\pi(x)\) be a prime-counting function.
The Prime Number Theorem suggests that:
\(\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to \infty } \frac{{\pi \left( x \right)}}{{x/\ln (x)}} = 1\)
In other words, we can say that \(\pi(x)\) “behaves” like \(x/\ln (x)\) when \(x\) is approaching infinity — there’s an asymptotic ‘equality’.
So, there are infinite primes.
For Python
code, we use SymPy
– a Python library for symbolic mathematics. In particular, we’ll use primerange(a, b)
for generate all prime numbers in the range [a, b).
The code:
import sympy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as ani
def convert_to_polar_coordinates(num):
return num*np.cos(num), num*np.sin(num)
lim = 10000
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (8, 8))
primes_numbers = sympy.primerange(0, lim)
primes_numbers = np.array(list(primes_numbers))
x, y = convert_to_polar_coordinates(primes_numbers)
def init():
ax.plot([], [])
def plot_in_polar(i):
ax.plot(x[:i], y[:i], linestyle='', marker='o', markersize=0.75, c='#FC0000')
ax.set_xlim(-lim, lim)
ax.set_ylim(-lim, lim)
animator = ani.FuncAnimation(fig=fig, func=plot_in_polar, interval=1, frames=len(primes_numbers))